About Doctio

We Caring Your Family Health & Well Being

Aperiam eaque ipsa quae abillo invetore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt expli cabo nemoe our services for our patients ipsam abillo invetore veritatis eton and we have 25 yesrs of experiance .

Best Medical Care

Quis autem vel eum iure repreh enderit voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae conse quatur and more.

Modern Diagnostic

Quis autem vel eum iure repreh enderit voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae conse quatur and more.

25 Years Of Experience in Medical Services
Total No of Doctors
Latest Technology
Years Of Experience
Our Services

Service we provide

Brain Surgery

Best Medical & Health Care

Spine Surgery

Best Medical & Health Care

Paediatric Neurosurgery

Best Medical & Health Care

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Best Medical & Health Care


Best Medical & Health Care

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Best Medical & Health Care Near Your City

We’ve 25 Years of experience in Medical Services.

Meet Our Team

Our Experts Doctors

Dr. Abuzar Rauf

M.B.B.S, Ex Registrar

Dr. Adnan Khalid

M.B.B.S, FCPS(Neurosurgery)

Dr. Faiq Sheikh

M.B.B.S, FCPS (Neurosurgery)

Dr. Imran A. Mirza

M.B.B.S, Former Senior Registrar

Dr. Jamal Nasir

M.B.B.S, MS (Neurosurgery)

Dr. Mohsin Ali Nadir

M.B.B.S, MS (Neurosurgery)

Dr. Omair Sajjad

M.B.B.S, MS (Neurosurgery)